Speaking Schedule
Lectures, Workshops & Retreats – Vital Signs and Callings
Scheduled: Speaking Events
This speaking schedule is regularly updated, so please check back.
Jan 27 / National Association of Social Workers
Minnesota (virtual) Conference https://naswmn.socialworkers.org/Events/Annual-Conference
----“The Call to Serve” seminar
Feb 10 / North Carolina Counseling Assn Conference
Durham, NC, https://www.n2ca.org/annual-conference
----Keynote & Workshop, “The Call to Serve”
Feb 12 / Unity of the Blue Ridge
Asheville, NC, https://www.unityblueridge.org
----Lecture & Workshop, “The Stories We Tell Ourselves”
March 28 / Career Thought Leaders Consortium Conference, San Diego, CA
----Keynote & Workshop: Callings, "The Power of Passionate Work"
Sept 12 / Naropa University
Boulder, CO ----Awaken to Your Callings (Zoom webinar)
Sept 17 / Christ Church Frederica
Saint Simons Isl, GA ----Callings lecture & workshop (virtual)
Jan 4 / Healing & Revealing Human Potential, workshop sponsored by Functional Synergy—yoga therapy trainer’s program (virtual)
Mar 4 / University of Colorado
Boulder, CO, Virtual Career Conference
----Keynote & Workshop
Mar 27 & 29 / Unity of San Jose
San Jose, CA, https://unitysanjose.org/home,
----(Virtual) Topic: The Stories We Tell Ourselves. 27th, Service Talk; 29th, Webinar
April 8 / Purpose Conference, sponsored by Maricopa Community Colleges, AZ
----Keynote & Workshop for staff/faculty
May 1 / Oakland Center for Spiritual Living
----Lecture & Workshop (in person), “The Stories We Tell Ourselves.”
May 13 / Leading Age/Oregon
----Keynote, “Vital Signs: The Nurture of Passion as We Age”
May 24 / The Stories We Tell Ourselves
----Virtual Seminar, sponsored by Functional Synergy — yoga therapy trainer’s program
May 15 / Unity Community of Central Oregon
Bend, OR, https://unitycentraloregon.org
----Services & Workshop, The Stories We Tell Ourselves”
July 10 / Santa Cruz Center for Spiritual Living
----Lecture & Workshop (in-person), “The Stories We Tell Ourselves”
Aug 14 / Unity of Palo Alto, CA,
----Lecture & Workshop, “The Stories We Tell Ourselves”
Aug 30 / Burning Man Festival
Black Rock City, NV (2022 theme "Waking Dreams”), 12-1 pm, Infinite Love Camp, address: 5:30 & G
----Callings mini-workshop
Sept 11 / Center for Spiritual Living
Granada Hills, CA, https://www.cslgh.org
----Lecture & Workshop, “The Stories We Tell Ourselves”
Sept 18 / Unity of Santa Barbara, CA
----Lecture & Workshop, “The Stories We Tell Ourselves”
Oct 14 / Caritas Consciousness Project
----Online Workshop, "The Stories We Tell Ourselves"
Oct 16 / Unity of Albany, NY
----Lecture & Workshop, “The Stories We Tell Ourselves”
Oct 21 / Colorado Career Development Assn. Virtual Conference
----Keynote & Workshop, Finding Hope in Times of Uncertainty
Oct 23 / Unity San Jose, CA
----Lecture, The Power & Purpose of Synchronicities
Oct 27 / Michigan Assn of School Social Workers Conference
----Keynote & Workshop, “The Call to Serve.”
Oct 29 / Aging Life Care Assn/Western Region Chapter Conference
Western Region Chapter Conference
----Keynote, "The Nurture of Passion as We Age"
Oct 30 / Center for Spiritual Living San Jose, CA
----Lecture & Workshop, "The Stories We Tell Ourselves"
Jan 10 / Unity Spiritual Center of San Jose
----Virtual Service, “What Trusting the Universe Really Means.” Access Zoom link on
Jan 17 / Allen Avenue Unitarian Universalist Church of Portland ME
----Virtual Service & Zoom Webinar, “The Coronavirus as a Calling.”
Jan 24 / Center for Spiritual Living of Olympia, WA
----Service & Zoom Webinar, “The Call of Chaotic Times”
Jan 31 Center for Spiritual Living of Morrisontown, NJ
----Service & Webinar, “The Call of Challenging Times”
Feb 21 / Center for Spiritual Living of Redding, CA
----Service & Zoom Webinar, “The Call of Chaotic Times”
Feb 28 / Center for Spiritual Living of Philadelpia, PA
----Service & Webinar, “The Call of Challenging Times”
March 7 / Unity of Greater of Portland, ME
----Service & Webinar, “The Call of Challenging Times”
March 14 / Unity on the Triangle
Raleigh, NC, https://unitytriangle.org
----Service & Webinar, “The Call of Challenging Times."
March 21 / Unity of the Blue Ridge
----Service & Webinar, "What Trusting the Universe Really Means"
March 28 / Unity of Walnut Creek, CA
----Service & Webinar, “The Call of Challenging Times"
April 8, 15, 22, 29 May 6 / Rowe Conference Center of Rowe, MA
----4-part course (free 1-hour intro on April 8), "What's Your New Normal Going To Look Like?"
April 18 / Center for Spiritual Living
Santa Fe, NM, https://santafecsl.org
----Lecture, “What Trusting the Universe Really Means”
April 25 & 28 / Unity Seattle, WA
----Service (Sun) & Webinar (following Wed), “The Call of Chalenging Times"
May 2 / Unity
Palo Alto, CA, https://www.unitypaloalto.org
----Lecture and Webinar, “What Trusting the Universe Really Means"
May 5 / Center for Spiritual Living
Santa Rosa, CA, https://cslsr.org
----Wednesday Evening Service, “What Trusting the Universe Really Means"
May 9 / Center for Spiritual Living
Delaware, https://www.centerforspirituallivingde.com
----Service & Webinar, "What trusting the Universe Really Means"
May 16 / Unity of Dallas
Dallas, TX, https://www.cunitydallas.org
----Service & Webinar, "What's Your New Normal Going to Look Like?"
May 23 / Center for Spiritual Living
Eureka, CA, https://www.facebook.com/EurekaCSL/
----Service & Webinar, “What Trusting the Universe Really Means"
June 13 / Unity of Denver, CO
----Service & Webinar, “The Call of Challenging Times”
Aug 1 / Unity of Albany, NY
----Virtual Lecture & Webinar: "What Trusting the Universe Really Means"
Aug 15 / Center for Spiritual Living
Tacoma, WA, https://csltacoma.org
----Virtual Lecture & Webinar: "Callings: In Search of an Authentic Life”
Aug 29 / Center for Spiritual Living
San Jose, CA, https://cslsj.org
----Service & Webinar, “What Trusting the Universe Really Means”
Sept 5 / Unity Spiritual Center of San Jose
San Jose, CA,
----In-Person Lecture: "Vital Signs: The Nature and Nurture of Passion"
Oct 3 / Unity Spiritual Center San Francisco
San Francisco, CA,
----In-Person Lecture & Workshop, "Callings: In Search of an Authentic Life"
Oct 30 / Mars Hill University Asheville
Asheville, NC
----Staff & Student Workshops: “Callings”
Oct 31 / Unity of the Blue Ridge
Asheville, NC, https://www.unityblueridge.org
----Lecture & Workshop: “What Trusting the Universe Really Means"
Sept 22-24 / Aging Life Care Association-Western Region Conference
Santa Rosa, CA, https://www.aginglifecare.org/iCore/Events/Event_Display.aspx?EventKey=WRCON2020&WebsiteKey=8593a67b-f09c-47bd-82b8-7bcc2e9732a3
----Vital Signs Keynote Workshop
Jan 3-5 / 1440 Multiversity
Santa Cruz, CA, https://1440.org/programs/self-discovery/callings/
----Callings Retreat
Jan 9 / Promatch (Silicon Valley’s Professional Networking Resource)
Sunnyvale, CA, https://promatch.org
----Lecture & Workshop
Jan 12 / Unity of Palo Alto
Palo Alto, CA, 650-494-7222, https://www.unitypaloalto.org
----Callings Lecture & Workshop
Mar 7 / Wake Forest University, “Camp 3rd Act” (alumni event)
Raleigh, NC, https://thirdact.alumni.wfu.edu/mini-camps/
Mar 13 / Oregon Career Development Association, Professional Development Institute
Portland, OR, https://www.ocda.info/event-3720750
----Callings Full-day Workshop
Mar 15 / Unity of Salem
Salem, OR, 503-364-156, https://www.unityofsalem.com
----Callings Lecture & Workshop
May 16 / 1440 Multiversity
Santa Cruz, CA, 9 am-12 noon, https://1440.tv/program/the-coronavirus-as-a-calling/
----Webinar: The Coronavirus as a Calling
June 5-7 / Rowe Conference Center
Rowe, MA, 413-339-4954, https://rowecenter.org/wp/events/gregg-levoy-callings-finding-your-authentic-life-2/
----Callings Weekend Retreat
June 10 / Inside Edge Foundation
Irvine, CA, https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-coronavirus-as-a-calling-with-gregg-levoy-the-inside-edge-tickets-105343332744
----Webinar, 9-11 am PST, “The Coronavirus as a Calling"
June 12-14 / Art of Living Retreat Center
Boone, NC, https://artoflivingretreatcenter.org/event/faculty/gregg-levoy/callings/
----Callings Retreat
June 22-24 / 3-day Online Retreat, "The Coronavirus as a Calling”
Learn More and Purchase Your Ticket Here
Aug 22 / The New Earth Institute of Southwestern College
Santa Fe, NM, https://newearth.regfox.com/nei-special-event
----Webinar, “The Coronavirus as a Calling”
Sept 25-26 / Aging Life Care Association-Western Region Conference
Santa Rosa, CA, Event Key
----Keynote Workshop
Oct 17 / Wake Forest Universty, “Camp 3rd Act” (alumni event)
Atlanta, GA, https://thirdact.alumni.wfu.edu/mini-camps/
Nov 12-14 / Illinois Counseling Association Conference
Chicago, IL, https://thirdact.alumni.wfu.edu/mini-camps/
----“The Call to Serve,” Keynote & Workshop
Jan 13 / Center for Spiritual Living
Santa Cruz, CA, 831-462-9383, https://www.cslsantacruz.org
----Vital Signs/Passion Lecture & Workshop
Jan 18-20 / 1440 Multiversity
Santa Cruz, CA, https://1440.org/programs/self-discovery/callings/
----Callings Retreat
Jan 27 / Center for Spiritual Living
Redding, CA, 530-221-4849, https://www.cslredding.org/
----Callings Lecture & Workshop
Jan 29 / Napa Valley College
Napa, CA
----Counseling Faculty Seminar
Mar 2 / Shasta College
Redding, CA, 530-242-7677, http://www.shastacollege.edu/Community/CommunityEducation/Pages/Courses-In-Classroom.aspx
----Community Ed Callings Fullday Workshop, open to the public
Mar 3 / Center for Spiritual Living Napa Valley
Napa, CA, (707) 252-4847, http://nvcsl.org/home.html
----Callings Lecture & Workshop
Mar 13 / Wisconsin Career Development Association (WCDA) Professional Development workshop
Madison College, Madison, WI, https://wcda.wildapricot.org/
----Callings Full-day Workshop
Mar 17 / Unity Atlanta Church
Atlanta, GA, 770-441-0585, https://unityatl.org
----Vital Signs/Passion Lecture & Workshop
Mar 18 / University of Georgia & Emory University (co-sponsors) alumni event
Atlanta, GA
----Vital Signs/Passion Workshop
Mar 20 / South Carolina Career Development Assn., Professional Development Institute Workshop
----Callings Workshop
Mar 21 / Richland Library, Business and Careers Public Program
Columbia, SC, 803-799-9084, https://www.richlandlibrary.com/business-careers-and-research-center
----Callings Workshop
April 5-7 / Connect Beyond Festival
Asheville, NC, https://www.connectbeyondfestival.com
----Callings Lecture & Workshop
April 12-13 / Festival of Dreams Conference
Santa Cruz, CA, 831-426-4909, https://festivalofdreams.net
----'Dreams & Callings' Lecture & Workshop
May 31-Jun 1 / Wake Forest University, "Camp 3rd Act” (alumni event)
Winston-Salem, NC
----The Call of Prime Time: Reinventing Yourself in the 2nd Half of Life
June 2 / Unity on the Triangle
Raleigh, NC, 831-426-4909, https://unitytriangle.org
----Callings Lecture & Workshop
June 7-9 / Art of Living Retreat Center
Boone, NC, https://www.artoflivingretreatcenter.org
----Callings Retreat
Aug 25 / Unity of Madison
Madison, WI, 608-221-1376, http://www.unityofmadison.org
----Callings Lecture & Workshop
Aug 28 / Winona State University
Winona, MN, https://www.winona.edu
----Callings Keynote and Workshops
Sept 15 / Unity of Modesto, CA
Modesto, CA, 209 578 5433, https://www.unitychurchofmodesto.com
----Callings Lecture & Workshop
Sept 22 / Spiritual Life Center
Sacramento, CA, 916 448 6508, https://www.slcworld.org
----Callings Lecture & Workshop
Sept 26-28 / The Power of Words Conference sponsored by Transformative Language Arts
Phoenix, AZ, https://www.tlanetwork.org/conference
----Keynote & Pre-conference Seminar
Sept 29 / Unity of Mesa
Mesa, AZ, 480-892-2700, http://www.unityofmesa.org
----Vital Signs/Passion Lecture & Workshop
Oct 11 / Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES) Conference
Seattle, WA, https://www.acesonline.net
----Keynote & Workshop
Oct 13 / Unity of Olympia
Olympia, WA, 360-943-5757, https://cslolympia.org/upcoming-workshops/
----Callings Lecture & Workshop (event co-sponsored by Unity of Olympia and Olympia Center for Spiritual Living)
Oct 14 / International Coach Federation Washington State/Eastside chapter
Seattle, WA, https://icfwashingtonstate.com
----Vital Signs Workshop
Oct 16 / Wisconsin Employment Training Assn. Conference
----Callings Keynote & Workshop
Oct 27 / Unity of Charlotte
Charlotte, NC, 704-523-0062, http://unityofcharlotte.org
----Callings Lecture & Workshop
Oct 31 / Life is a Verb Camp - hosted by author/activist Patti Digh
Kanuga Retreat Center, Flat Rock, NC, https://cslolympia.org
----Full-day Pre-Camp Workshop about Vital Signs/Passion
Jan 13-20 / Omega Institute in Costa Rica
----Weeklong Retreat (Vital Signs)
Jan 21 / Unity of Dallas
Dallas, TX, 972-233-7106 https://www.unitydallas.org/1pm-4pm-search-authentic-life-gregg-levoy
----Callings Lecture & Workshop
Feb 25 / Center for Spiritual Awareness
Sacramento, CA, http://www.csasacramento.org
----Callings Retreat
Mar 4 / Center for Spiritual Living
Santa Cruz, CA, 831 462-9383, https://www.cslsantacruz.org
----Callings Retreat
Mar 9-11 / Esalen Institute
Big Sur, CA, 831-667-3000, www.esalen.org
----Callings Retreat
Mar 18 / Unity of Walnut Creek
Walnut Creek, CA, 925-937-2191, http://www.unityofwalnutcreek.com
----Vital Signs Lecture & Workshop
April 27 / Minnesota Career Development Assn Conference
----Keynote & Workshop
April 29 Unity South Twin Cities
St Paul, MN, 952-884-6656, www.unitysouth.org
----Callings Lecture & Workshop
May 6 Unity of the Blue Ridge
Asheville, NC, 828-891-8700, www.unityblueridgenc.org
----Callings Lecture & Workshop
June 8-9 / Wake Forest University "Camp 3rd Act" (alumni event)
Winston-Salem, NC
----The Call of Prime Time: Reinventing Yourself in the 2nd Half of Life
June 10 / Unity Church of Winston-Salem
----Callings Lecture & Workshop
June 12 / Being in Business Meetup Group
Asheville, NC, https://www.meetup.com/Being-in-Business-Conscious-Practical-Entrepreneurship/
----Vital Signs/Passion Workshop
June 17 International Dream Conference, Intl Assn for the Study of Dreams (IASD)
Phoenix, AZ, http://iasdconferences.org/2018/
----—Workshop/The Relationship Between Our Dreams and Our Callings
June 21 / National Career Development Association Global Conference
Phoenix, AZ, ncda.org
----Keynote & Workshop
June 24 Unity of Mesa
Mesa, AZ, 480-892-2700, http://www.unityofmesa.org
----Callings Lecture & Workshop
July 8 / Center for Spiritual Living
Oakland, CA, 510-547-1979, http://www.oaklandcsl.org
July 13-15 / 1440 Multiversity
Santa Cruz, CA, http://1440multiversity.org
----Vital Signs/Passion Weekend Retreat
July 20 Institute of Noetic Sciences/Diablo chapter
at JFK University, Walnut Creek, CA, https://www.meetup.com/Diablo-IONS/
----Callings Lecture & Workshop
July 22 / Unity North
Atlanta, GA, 678-819-9100, http://unitynorth.org
----Vital Signs/Passion Lecture & Workshop
Aug 12 / New Dawn Center for Spiritual Living
Denver, CO, 303-369-8222, https://www.newdawncsl.org
----Callings Lecture & Workshop
Aug 26 / Unity Spiritual Center in the Rockies
Colorado Springs, CO, 719-471-4556, https://unityrockies.org
----Callings Lecture & Workshop
Nov 2 / Young Professionals of Asheville
Asheville, NC, http://www.ypasheville.org
----Vital Signs/Passion Lecture
Nov 16-18 / Rowe Conference Center
Rowe, MA, 413-339-4954, http://rowecenter.org/wp/events/gregg-levoy-callings-finding-your-authentic-life/
----Callings Weekend Retreat
Jan 28 - Feb 4 / Omega Institute in Costa Rica
----Weeklong Vital Signs Retreat
Feb 5 /Unity of Las Vegas
Las Vegas, NV, 702-382-8688, http://www.unitylasvegas.org
----Callings Lecture & Workshop
Mar 7 / The Transforming Aging Summit
----Global Teleconference
Mar 12 / Center for Spiritual Living
San Jose, CA, 408 294 1828, www.cslsj.org
----Callings Lecture and Workshop
Mar 19 / Center for Spiritual Living
Oakland, CA, 510-547-1979, http://oaklandcsl.org
----Vital Signs Lecture and Workshop
Mar 24-26 / The weekend Callings retreat at Esalen has been cancelled (due to storm road-damage) and moved to the Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, CA. The link to register is:
----Callings Retreat
Mar 31 / New Mexico Veterans Administration,
Social Worker Education Day
----The Call to Serve
April 2 / Center for Spiritual Living
Santa Fe, NM, 505-983-5022, http://santafecsl.org
----Callings Lecture & Workshop
April 7 / Colorado Career Development Association Conference
----Vital Signs Keynote & Workshop
April 21 / Comerica Bank 11th Annual Women’s Business Symposium/Southern California (benefitting Girls Inc.)
Irvine, CA, contact Kathy Doerner, kdoerner@comerica.com
----Vital Signs Lecture
April 23 / Unity Spiritual Center of Denver, CO
----Vital Signs Lecture & Workshop
April 25 / University of Cincinnati, OH, Division of Professional Practice
----Callings Staff Workshop
May 19 / Maine Career Development Association Conference
----Vital Signs Keynote and Workshop
May 21 / Unity of Greater Portland
Portland, ME, (207) 893-1233, http://unitygreaterportland.org
----Vital Signs Lecture & Workshop
May 25 / International Coach Federation/South Florida Chapter
Miami, FL, http://www.icfsouthflorida.org
----Callings Workshop.
May 28 / Unity of Naples
Naples, FL, 239 775 3009, http://www.naplesunity.org
----Callings Lecture & Workshop.
June 25 / Center for Spiritual Living/Capistrano Valley
San Clemente, CA, 949-240-6463, http://cslcv.org
----Callings Lecture & Workshop
June 27-28 / Simon Family Foundation-sponsored College Conference and Staff Training
----Callings Seminars
Sept 10 / Unity Columbine Spiritual Center
Boulder, CO, 303-546-0114, www.columbineunity.org
----Callings Lecture & Workshop
Sept 11 / University of Colorado/Boulder, CO
----Callings Alumni Workshop
Sept 14 / International Coach Federation - Colorado
Denver, CO, http://icfcolorado.org/events/icf-co-sept-14-2017-monthly-meeting/
----Vital Signs Workshop
Sept 17 / Center for Spiritual Living
Dallas, TX, 972-866-9988, http://csldallas.org/calendar-item/callings-in-search-of-an-authentic-life/
----Callings Lecture & Workshop
Sept 19 / University of Cincinnati Advising Conference
----Vital Signs Keynote and Workshop
Sept 22-24 / 1440 Multiversity
Santa Cruz, CA, http://1440multiversity.org
----Vital Signs Retreat
Sept 28 / Centralina Area Agency on Aging Conference
Charlotte, NC, centralina.org/centralinaaging/
----Vital Signs Keynote & Workshop
Oct 1 / Unity North Atlanta
Atlanta, GA, 678-819-9100, http://unitynorth.org
----Callings Lecture & Workshop
Oct 14 / Your Second Act Conference: Exploring Wellness, Work and Lifestyle After 50
Portland, ME, Contact Barbara Babkirk, barb@heartatworkassociates.com
----Vital Signs Keynote & Workshop
Oct 30 / Western North Carolina Human Resource Association (WNCHRA)
----Half-day Workshop, "The Power of Passionate Work”
Nov 2 / Life is a Verb Camp, hosted by author/activist Patti Digh
Kanuga Retreat Center, Flat Rock, NC
----Full-day Pre-Camp Workshop about Callings
Nov 12 / Center for Spiritual Living
Ft Lauderdale, FL, 954-566-2868, cslftl.org
----Callings Lecture & Workshop
Nov 19 / Ethical Humanist Society of Asheville
Asheville, NC, 828-687-7759, http://ehsasheville.org/
----Vital Signs Lecture/Workshop
Jan 8-9 / Hudson Institute of Coaching Leadership Team
----Callings Workshop
Jan 10 / Unity of Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA, 805-966-2239, www.unitysantabarbara.org
----Vital Signs Lecture & Workshop
Jan 25 / Alternatives Lecture Series
London, England, http://www.alternatives.org.uk
----Vital Signs Lecture
Mar 11 / University of Kentucky Alumni Career Services Webinar, 12-1 pm EST
----Vital Signs
Apr 1-3 / Esalen Institute
Big Sur, CA, 831-667-3000, www.esalen.org
----Callings Retreat
Apr 6-7 / Hudson Institute of Coaching Annual Conference
800-582-4401, http://hudsoninstitute.com
----Vital Signs Keynote & Pre-Conference Workshop
Apr 8-10 / Esalen Institute
Big Sur, CA, 831-667-3000, www.esalen.org
----Vital Signs Retreat
Apr 17 / Center for Spiritual Living
San Jose, CA, 408-294-1828, www.cslsj.org/
----Vital Signs Lecture & Workshop
May 3 / Buncombe County (NC) Council on Aging event:
Breakfast of Senior Champions
----Vital Signs Keynote
June 19 / Unity of Charlottesville
Charlottesville, VA, 434-978-1062, www.unitycville.org
----Vital Signs Lecture & Workshop
June 26 / Unity of Madison
Madison, WI, 608-221-1376, www.unityofmadison.org
----Vital Signs Lecture & Workshop
June 28 / National Wellness Conference
St Paul, MN, http://www.nationalwellness.org/?page=NWC2016
----Vital Signs Presentation
June 28 / International Coach Federation
Minnesota Chapter, http://www.icfminnesota.org
----Evening Vital Signs Lecture & Workshop
July 17 / Unity Columbine Spiritual Center
Columbine, CO, 303 546 0114, www.columbineunity.org
----Vital Signs Lecture & Workshop
July 21 / Greater Kansas City Interfaith Council
Kansas City, MO, www.kcinterfaith.org
----Callings Lecture / Workshop
July 22-24 / Awaken Whole Life Center Unity Village
Lee’s Summit (Kansas City), MO, http://awakenwholelifecenter.com/events/vital-signs-nature-and-nurture-passion
----Vital Signs Retreat
Aug 9 / OASIS Senior Center Health & Wellness Lecture Series
Newport Beach, CA,
----Vital Signs Lecture & Workshop
Aug 10 / Vital Signs/Passion Workshop for Professional Women, sponsored by Career Systems Intl. & S. Benjamins & Co
Los Angeles, CA, 562-594-6426, www.passioncalls.com
----Open to professional women, held at the Inn at Laguna Beach
Aug 26-27 / National Conference on Positive Aging
Washington DC, https://www.csa.us/page/PositiveAgingConf
----Vital Signs Workshop
Aug 28 / Unity by the Bay
Annapolis, MD, 410-544-7990, unitybythebay.org
----Vital Signs Lecture & Workshop
Sept 7 / Successful Aging Conference (Council on Aging/Buncombe County)
Asheville NC, http://www.coabc.org/#!successful-aging/in13z
----Vital Signs Lecture & Workshop
Sept 11 / Unity of the Blue Ridge
Asheville NC, 828-891-8700, https://www.eventbrite.com/e/callings-with-gregg-levoy-registration-27132233240
----Callings Lecture & Workshop
Sept 28 / North Carolina Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Conference
US Cellular Center, Asheville, NC, http://www.2016avl.com
----Pre-Conference Master Class on Vital Signs/Passion
Oct 20-22 SAGE-ing International Conference
Loveland, CO, http://sage-ing.org/sage-ing-international-conference/
----Vital Signs Workshop
Oct 23 Unity Spiritual Center of Denver
Denver, CO, 303-758-5664, http://www.unitydenver.org
----Callings Lecture & Workshop
Nov 2 / Creative Facilitators Meetup
Asheville, NC, http://www.meetup.com/Asheville-Creative-Facilitators-Meetup/
----Callings Workshop
Nov 17 / International Council on Active Aging Conference
Orlando, FL, https://www.icaa.cc/conferenceandevents/overview.htm
----Callings Workshop
Nov 20 / Unity of Venice
Venice, FL, 941.484.5342, http://www.veniceunity.org
----Callings Lecture & Workshop
Dec 7-9 / Middle Atlantic Career Counseling Association (MACCA) Conference
Lancaster, PA, http://macca.net
----Callings Keynote & Workshop
Dec 11 / Center for Spiritual Living
Philadelphia, PA, 610-695-0375, http://cslphilly.com
----Callings Lecture & Workshop
Jan 11 / Unity Church of Fairfax
Fairfax, VA (DC metro area), 703-281-1767, www.unityoffairfax.org
----Vital Signs Lecture & Workshop.
Jan 13 / McLean Bible Church (Career Network Ministry)
Tysons Corner, VA (DC metro area), 703-639-2000, www.mbctysons.org/careernetwork
----Vital Signs Lecture/Mini-Workshop.
Jan 17-24 / Omega Institute – Costa Rica
Costa Rica, 877-944-2002, www.eomega.org/visit-us/omega-costa-rica/schedule/week-3
----Callings Workshop.
Jan 25 / Unity Church of Dallas
Dallas, TX, 972-233-7106, www.unitydallas.org
----Vital Signs Lecture & Workshop.
Jan 27 / International Coach Federation
Austin, TX, www.austincoaching.com
----Vital Signs Lecture & Mini-Workshop.
Feb 1 / Unity of Albuquerque
Albuquerque, NM, 505-292-1998, www.uscabq.org
----Vital Signs Lecture & Workshop.
Feb 5 / Malaprops Bookstore
Asheville, NC, 800-441-9829, www.malaprops.com
----Vital Signs author appearance.
Feb 8 / Unity Christ Church
Golden Valley, MN (Minneapolis metro area), 763-521-4793, www.unitychristchurch.org
----Vital Signs Lecture & Workshop.
Feb 9 / International Coach Federation
Chicago, IL, 312-404-3108, www.icf-chicago.org
----Vital Signs Lecture & Mini-Workshop.
Feb 11 / The Well Spirituality Center
Chicago, IL, 708-482-5088, www.csjthewell.org
----Vital Signs Evening Lecture & Mini-Workshop.
Feb 15 / Center for Spiritual Living
Asheville, NC, 828-253-2325, www.cslasheville.org
----Vital Signs Lecture & Workshop.
Feb 21 / Infinity Foundation
Chicago, IL, 847-831-8828, www.inifinityfoundation.org
----Vital Signs Workshop.
Feb 22 / Unity in Chicago
Chicago, IL, 773-973-0007, www.unitychicago.org
----Vital Signs Lecture & Workshop.
Mar 1 / Spiritual Living Center
Atlanta, GA, 404-417-0008, www.slc-atlanta.org
----Vital Signs Lecture & Workshop.
Mar 12 / Henderson County Public Library
Hendersonville, NC, 828-697-4725, http://library.booksite.com/6800/nl/?list=CNL17
----Vital Signs Evening Lecture.
Mar 16 / The Hudson Institute of Coaching
800-582- 4401, www.hudsoninstitute.com
----Author Lecture Series, Teleconference.
Apr 12 / Center for Spiritual Living
Santa Rosa, CA, (San Francisco metro area), 707-546-4543, www.cslsr.org
----Vital Signs Lecture & Workshop.
Apr 17-19 / Esalen Institute
Big Sur, CA, 831-667-3000, www.esalen.org
----Callings Retreat.
Apr 20 / Mind/Supermind Lecture Series
Santa Barbara City College, Center for Lifelong Learning
Santa Barbara, CA, 805-965-0581, http://sbcc.augusoft.net/
----Vital Signs Lecture.
Apr 22 / The Inside Edge, University of California
Irvine, CA 848-460-4242, www.insideedge.org
----Vital Signs Lecture.
Apr 24 / Conscious Living Center
Mountain View, CA, (San Jose metro area), 650-965-1152, www.consciouslivingcenter.org
----Vital Signs Lecture & Mini-Workshop.
Apr 25 / Chaplaincy Institute
Berkeley, CA, 510-843-1422, chaplaincyinstitute.org/
----Full Day Callings Workshop, open to the public.
Apr 26 / Center for Spiritual Awareness
Sacramento, CA, 916-374-9177, http://www.csasacramento.org
----Vital Signs Lecture & Workshop
Apr 27 / Chico New Thought Center for Spiritual Living
Chico, CA, 530-895-8395, http://chiconewthought.org
----Vital Signs Evening Lecture/Workshop.
May 3 / Spiritual Life Center
Sacramento, CA, 916-448-6508, www.slcworld.org
----Vital Signs Lecture & Workshop.
May 24 / Unity of the Blue Ridge
Asheville, NC, 828-891-8700, http://www.unitync.net/
----Vital Signs Lecture/Mini–Workshop.
June 1 / International Coach Federation
Houston, TX, www.houstoncoaches.com
----Evening Lecture & Mini-Workshop.
June 2 / Mind Science Foundation, Distinguished Speakers' Series
San Antonio, TX, 210-821-6094, http://www.mindscience.org/events/vital-signs
----Vital Signs Lecture.
June 7 / Center for Spiritual Living
Seattle, WA, 206-527-8801, www.spiritualliving.org
----Vital Signs Lecture & Workshop.
June 9 / Unity Convention
Albuquerque, NM, 816-524-7414, www.unityworldwideministries.org/convention
----Vital Signs Keynote.
June 12 / People House & Extraordinary Seniors Program (ESP)
Denver, CO, 303-480-3646, http://peoplehouse.org/whats_new/get-your-tickets-now-gregg-lavoy-vital-signs-the-nature-and-nurture-of-passion/
----Vital Signs Lecture for those 60+, 2-5pm.
June 12 / Tattered Cover Bookstore
Denver, CO, http://www.tatteredcover.com/new-event-calendar
----Vital Signs Author Lecture, Free - 7 pm.
June 13 / Caritas Spiritist Center
Boulder, CO, 303-449-3066, www.caritasspiritistcenter.org/
----Vital Signs Workshop.
June 14 / Unity Church of Boulder
Boulder, CO, 303-442-1411, www.unityofboulder.com/
----Vital Signs Lecture & Workshop.
Aug 9 / Center for Spiritual Living
Westlake Village, CA, 805-495-0105, http://cslwestlake.org
----Vital Signs Lecture & Workshop.
Aug 14 / Celebration Conference, sponsored by Center for Successful Aging
California State University/Fullerton (Los Angeles metro area), http://hhd.fullerton.edu/csa
----Lecture & Workshop.
Oct 4 / Unity Church of San Antonio
San Antonio, TX, 210-824-7351, www.unityofsa.org
----Vital Signs Lecture & Workshop.
Oct 30-Nov 1 / Marist Brothers Retreat
Ossining, NY, laratondafms@yahoo.com
----Vital Signs Retreat.
Nov 08 / Unity of Sarasota
Sarasota, FL, 941.955.3301, www.unityofsarasota.com/
----Vital Signs Lecture & Workshop.
Nov 12-14 / A World Alliance of Interfaith Clergy (AWAIC) Conference
Marriottsville, MD (Baltimore metro area), www.awainterfaithclergy.org/
----Vital Signs Keynote & Workshop.
Dec 4-6 / Kripalu Center
Stockbridge, MA, 866-200-5203, http://kripalu.org/program/view/VSNN-151/vital_signs_the_nature_and_nurture_of_passion
----Vital Signs Retreat.
Dec 13 / Center for Spiritual Living
Morristown, NJ, 973-539-3114, www.rsci.org
----Vital Signs Lecture & Workshop.
Jan 25 - Feb 1 / Omega Institute in Costa Rica
----Weeklong Retreat, open to the public.
Mar 30 / Center for Spiritual Living
Louisville, KY, 812-288-1080, www.lcslonline.org
----Lecture & Workshop, open to the public.
April 4-6 / Esalen Institute
Big Sur, CA, 831-667-3000, www.esalen.org
----Weeklong Retreat, open to the public.
April 12 / River Rock Commons (co-housing community)
Ft. Collins, CO, contact Margaret Graham
----Full Day Workshop, open to the public.
May 18 / Seattle Unity Church
Seattle, WA, 206-622-8475, www.seattleunity.org
----Lecture & Workshop, open to the public.
May 19 / Pierce College
Seattle, WA
----Student Workshop.
May 20 / Seattle University
Seattle, WA, www.seattleu.edu
----Lecture & Workshop, open to the public.
May 25 / Unity of Boulder
Boulder, CO, 303-442-1411 www.unityofboulder.com
----Lecture & Workshop, open to the public.
Aug 2 / Infinity Foundation
Chicago, IL, 847-831-5559, www.infinityfoundation.org
----Full Day Workshop, open to the public.
Jan 12-19 Omega Institute in Costa Rica
Blue Spirit Retreat, www.eomega.org/
----Weeklong retreat. open to the public.
Jan 27 / Spiritual Living Center
Atlanta, GA,404-417-0008, www.slc-atlanta.org
----Lecture & Workshop, open to the public.
Feb 5 / University of Wisconsin
Madison WI, Academic Advising Conference, www.today.wisc.edu/events/view/57356
----Keynote & Workshop.
April 7 / Unity Spiritual Center of Albuquerque, NM
505-292-1998, www.uscabq.org/gregg-levoy
----Lecture & Workshop, open to the public.
April 10+13 / San Francisco Coaches Assn.
----Lecture (10th) and Fullday Workshop (13th), open to the public.
April 11 / Santa Rosa Junior College
Santa Rosa, CA
----Student & Staff Seminars.
April 19-21 / Esalen Institute
Big Sur, CA, 831-667-3000, www.esalen.org
----Retreat, open to public.
May 5 / Unity Church of Gaithersburg, MD
301-947-3626, www.unityofgaithersburg.org
----Lecture & Workshop, open to the public.
May 7 / Career Network Ministry, McLean Bible Church
McLean, VA, 703-639-2000, http://www.cityimpactdc.org/pages/page.asp?page_id=82682
----Lecture, open to the public.
May 9 / Be the Example
Albertson, NY, 516 233 8255, http://bte-callings.eventbrite.com
----Full Day Workshop, open to the public.
May 11 / Wainwright House
Rye, NY, 914-967-6080 www.wainwright.org
----Full day workshop, open to the public.
May 12 / Center for Spiritual Living
Morristown, NJ, 973-539-3114, www.rsci.org
----Lecture & Workshop, open to the public.
Oct 6 / Center for Spiritual Living
Seattle, WA, 206-527-8801, www.spiritualliving.org
----Lecture & Workshop, open to the public.
Oct 13 / Center for Spiritual Living
Reno, NV, 775-826-0566, www.cslreno.org
----Lecture & Workshop, open to the public.
2012 Speaking Schedule
Jan 14-21 / Omega Institute in Costa Rica
Blue Spirit Retreat, www.eomega.org/omega/costa-rica/, www.bluespiritcostarica.com
----Weeklong retreat, open to the public.
March 11 / Unity Church of Walnut Creek, CA
www.unitycenter.net, 925-937--2191,
----Lecture & Workshop, open to the public.
March 16-18 / Esalen Institute
Big Sur, CA, 831-667-3000, www.esalen.org
----Retreat, open to the public.
April 29 / Unity on the River
Amesbury, MA, www.unityontheriver.org, 978-834-7830
----Retreat, open to the public.
May 4-5 / Chaplaincy Institute of Maine, Portland, ME
207-347-6740, chimeofmaine.org
----Fri lecture, Sat workshop, open to public.
May 2 / Unity of Greater Portland, ME
(207) 893-1233, www.unitygreaterportland.org
----Evening Lecture/Mini-Workshop, open to the public.
May 6 / Unitarian Universalist Church of Reading, MA
(781) 944-0494, www.uureading.org
----Lecture & Workshop, open to public.
May 11-13 / Omega Institute
Rhinebeck, NY, 845-266-4444, www.eomega.org
----Weekend retreat, open to public. Register Here
August 12 / Unity Church of Indianapolis, IN
317-635-4066, www.unityofindy.com
----Lecture & Workshop, open to public.
August 13 / Ball State University, Muncie, IN
----Student & Staff Seminars.
September 30 / Unity of Palo Alto, CA
650-494-7222, www.unitypaloalto.org
----Lectures & Workshop, open to the public.
October 7 / Unity Church of Louisville, KY
502-583-5559, www.unityoflouisville.org
----Lecture & Workshop, open to the public.
November 4 Unity Church of Fairfax, VA
703-281-1767, www.unityoffairfax.org
----Lecture & Workshop, open to the public
November 10 / New York Open Center
New York City, NY, 212-219-2527, www.opencenter.org
----Fullday Workshop, open to public.
2011 Speaking Schedule
Jan 19-20 / DePaul University
Chicago, IL
----Student & Staff Seminars.
Jan 21-22vThe Well Spirituality Center, Congregation of St Joseph
Chicago, IL, 708-482-5088, www.csjthewell.org/GreggLevoy.html
----Lecture & Fullday Workshop, open to public.
Jan 23 / Infinity Foundation
Chicago, IL, 847-831-8828, InfinityFoundation.org
----Fullday Workshop, open to public.
Jan 24-25 / Ball State University
Muncie, IN
----Student & Staff Seminars.
Jan 26-27 / Earlham College, Richmond, IN
----Student & Staff Seminars.
Feb 10 / Unity Enlightened Leadership Program Webinar
Kansas City, MO, 816-524-7414, Event Overview
----Live Event, open to the public, then archived.
April 3 / Center for Spiritual Living Westlake Village
Los Angeles, CA, 805-495-0105, www.cslwestlake.org
----Lectures & Workshop, open to public.
April 6 / The Inside Edge
University of California/Irvine, CA 848-460-4242, www.insideedge.org
----Lecture, open to public.
April 7 / Occidental College, Los Angeles, CA
----Student & Staff Seminars.
April 8-10 / Esalen Institute
Big Sur, CA, 831-667-3000, www.esalen.org
----Retreat, open to public.
April 13 / San Francisco Coaches Association (ICF chapter)
April 14 / Conscious Living Center
Mt View, CA, 650-965-1152, www.consciouslivingcenter.org/
----Evening Lecture, open to public.
April 16 / California Institute for Integral Studies
San Francisco, CA, 415-575-6100, www.ciis.edu/News_and_Events/Event_Calendar/Levoy_Callings.html
----Full-day Workshop, open to the public.
April 17 / Center for Spiritual Living
Santa Rosa, CA, 707-546-4543, www.cslsr.org
----Lectures & Workshop, open to the public.
May 13-15 / Omega Institute
Rhinebeck, NY, 845-266-4444, www.eomega.org
----Retreat, open to public.
June 8 / University of the South, Summer Discernment Institute
Sewanee, TN, www.unity.org
----Student Retreat
June 11 / Caritas Spiritist Center
Boulder, CO, 303-449-3066, www.caritasspiritistcenter.org
----Workshop, open to the public.
June 12 / Unitarian Universalist Church of Denver
Denver, CO. 303-759-2770, www.firstuniversalist.org/pwsite/
----Lectures & Workshop, open to the public.
June 14-15 / Unity People's Convention
Kansas City, MO, 816-434-6836, www.unity.org
----Keynote & Workshop.
July 24 / Atlanta Unity Church
Atlanta, GA, 770-441-0585, www.atlantaunity.org
----Lecture & Workshop, open to public.
July 26 / Alumni Career Services Network (ACSN) Conference
Atlanta, GA, www.alumnics.org/index6.html
----Keynote & Workshop.
August 14 / Unity of Oak ParkOak Park, IL, 708-848-0960, www.unityoakpark.org
----Lecture & Workshop, open to public.
August 16 / Ball State University
Muncie, IN
----Student Seminar.
August 17 / Sustainable Growth League
Boulder, CO, 720-839-9691, www.sustainablegrowthleague.com
----Leadership Seminar, open to public.
September 9-11 / Denison University
Granville, Ohio, 740-587-6420
----Student reatreat.
October 30 / Unity Church of Portland
Portland, OR, 503-234-7441, www.unityportland.org
----Lectures & Workshop, open to the public.
October 31 / Pierce College
Seattle, WA
----Keynote, Faculty Conference.
November 1 / Georgia State University Career Conference
Atlanta, GA
November 2 / Georgia State University
Atlanta, GA
----Alumni Seminar.
November 10 / Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
----Student & staff seminars.
November 13 / Unity of Charlottesville
Charlottesville, VA, 434-978-1062, www.unitycville.org/
----Lecture & Workshop, open to public.
2010 Speaking Schedule
Feb 7 / Unity Church of Charleston
Charleston, SC, 843-566-0600, www.unitychs.org
----Lecture & Workshop, open to the public.
Feb 11 / Furman University
Greenville, SC
----Student Workshop.
March 25 / Susquehana University
Selinsgrove, PA
----Student & Staff Workshops.
April 25 / New Thought Unity Church
Cincinnati, OH, 513-961-2527, www.ntunity.org
----Lecture & Workshop, open to the public.
April 27 / Career Development Professionals of Indiana (CDPI) Conference
Marion, IN, 574-535-7714, www.cdpi.org
----Keynote & Workshop
April 30-May 2 / Esalen Institute
Big Sur, CA, 831-667-3000, www.esalen.org
----Retreat, open to the public.
May 16 / Unity of Washington
Washington, DC, 202-543-1414, www.unitywdc.org
----Retreat, open to the public.
June 8 / University of the South
Summer Discernment Institute, Sewanee, TN
----Student Seminar.
June 11-13 / Omega Institute
Rhinebeck, NY, 845-266-4444
----Retreat, open to public.
Sept 3-5 / Dennison University
Granville, Ohio, 740-587-6420
----Staff Seminar & Student Retreat
Sept 12 / Unity Church of Albany
Albany, NY, 518-453-3603, www.unitychurchinalbany.org
----Lecture & Workshop.
Sept 14 New York State Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) Conference
Sept 23 / Lesley University,
Boston, MA, 617-868-9600, web.lesley.edu
----Student Lecture & Workshop.
Sept 25 / Lesley University
Boston, MA, 617-868-9600, web.lesley.edu
----Fullday Workshop, open to public.
Sept 26 / Unity Church of Boston
Boston, MA, 617-232-4548, www.unityboston.org
----Lecture & Workshop, open to public.
Oct 1-3 / Kirkridge Retreat Center
Bangor, PA, 610-588-8510, www.kirkridge.org
----Weekend Retreat, open to public.
Nov 4 / Montford Books
Asheville, NC, 828-285-8805, www.montfordbooks.com
----Author Lecture & Booksigning.
Nov 13 / North Carolina Center for Creative Retirement
Asheville, NC, 828-645-3921, www2.unca.edu/NCCCR/
----Fullday Workshop, open to public.
2009 Speaking Schedule
Feb 8 / Spiritual Living Center of Atlanta
Atlanta, GA, 404-417-0008, www.slc-atlanta.org
----Lecture & Workshop open to the public.
Feb 22 / Wooster College
Wooster, Ohio
----Student & Staff Presentations.
March 25-27 / Augustana College
Rock Island, IL, 800-798-8100, www.augustana.edu
----Student & Staff Seminars.
March 29 / Unity in Chicago,
IL, www.unitychicago.org, 773-973-0007
----Lectures & Workshop, open to public.
March 30-31 / Elmhurst College
Elmhurst, IL
----Student & Staff Seminars
April 3-4 / The Caritas Spiritist Center
Boulder, CO, 303-449-2066, www.caritasspiritistcenter.org
----Lectures & Full-day Workshop, open to public.
April 7 / Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Denver, CO
----Staff Seminar.
April 17-19 / Esalen Institute
Big Sur, CA, 831-667-300
----Retreat, open to public.
June 2 / University of the South, Summer Discernment Institute
Sewanee, TN
----Student seminar.
June 7 / Unitarian Society of Hartford
Hartford, CT, www.ushartford.com, 860-233-9897
----Lecture & Workshop, open to public.
June 12-14 / Omega Institute
Rhinebeck, NY, 845-266-4444
----Retreat, open to public.
Oct 22 / Santa Clara University
Santa Clara, CA, 408-554-2359
----Student & Staff Seminars.
Nov 4 / University of Kansas
Lawrence, KS
----Sudent Seminar.
Nov 5 / Kansas Association of Colleges and Employers (KACE) Conference
Kansas City, KS, www.kaceweb.org
----Keynote & Seminar.
Nov 7 / People House
Denver CO, 303-480-5130, www.peoplehouse.org
----Full-day Workshop, open to public.
Dec 6 / First Unity Church of St Petersburg
St. Petersburg, FL, 727-527-2222, www.kaceweb.org
----Keynote & Seminar.
Dec 7 / National Conference on Positive Aging
St. Petersburg, FL, www.unitycampus.org
----Lectures & Workshop, open to public.
2008 Speaking Schedule
Jan 28-29 / University of Alabama
Tuscaloosa, AL, 205-348-4837
----Student and Staff Seminars.
Feb 26 / Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Denver, CO, 303-312-7101
----Staff Seminar.
Feb 29 / AmeriCorp
Asheville, NC, 828-693-1580
March 9 / Unity Church of Golden Valley
Minneapolis, MN, 763-521-4793
----Lectures & Workshop, open to public.
April 3-4 / Virginia Tech
Blackburg, VA, 540-231-6241
----Student and Staff Seminars.
April 25-27 / Esalen Institute
Big Sur, CA, 831-667-3000
May 3 / Napa Interfaith Council
Napa, CA, contact Yvonne Baginski, 707-226-7127
----Full-day workshop, open to public.
May 4 / Center for Spiritual Living (Church of Religious Science)
San Jose, CA, 408-294-1828
----Lectures & Workshop, open to public.
May 14 / Lutheran Social Services of Michigan (LSSM) Conference
Lansing, MI, 313-823-7700, www.lssm.org
----Keynote & Workshop.
May 16-18 / Omega Institute
Rhinebeck, NY, 800-944-1001, www.eOmega.org
June 18 / Eastern Association of Colleges and Employers (EACE) Conference
Providence, RI, 414-908-4940, info@eace.org, www.eace.org
----Keynote & Workshop.
June 22 / Unity on the River
Amesbury, MA, 978-834-7830, www.unityontheriver.org
----Lectures & Workshop, open to public.
Oct 13-15 / University of Dayton
Dayton, Ohio, 937-229-4592
----Student & Staff Workshops.
Oct 16-17 / Pacific Lutheran University, Meant to Live (vocational) Conference
Tacoma, WA, 253-535-7327
----Keynote & Workshop.
Oct 19 / Center for Spiritual Living (Church of Religious Science)
Vancouver, BC, 604-321-1225
----Lectures & Workshop, open to public.
Oct 23 Mars Hill College
Asheville, NC
----Student & Staff Seminars.
Nov 13-15 / Wartburg College
Waverly, IA, 319-352-8651
----Student & Staff Workshops.
2007 Speaking Schedule
Jan 25-26 / Davidson College
Davidson, NC, 704-894-2492
----Student & Staff Workshops.
Feb 3-10 / Omega Institute Costa Rica
800-944-1001, Workshop Information
----Weeklong Retreat, open to public
April 19 / University of Colorado
Boulder, CO, 303-492-4126
----Student Workshop.
April 20 / Colorado Career Development Assn (CCDA) Conference
Denver, CO, 303-492-4126, www.coloradocareerdevelopment.org
----Keynote & Workshop.
April 22 / Unity Church of Boulder
Boulder, CO, 303-442-1411,www.unityofboulder.com
----Lectures & Workshop.
April 27-28 / Crossroads Center + Chicago Coach Federation (co-sponsors)
Chicago, IL, 312-831-9350
----Fri. Night Lecture & Saturday Full-day Workshop.
April 29 / Gary Memorial United Methodist Church
Chicago, IL, 630-668-3100, www.gbgm-umc.org/gmumc
----Lectures & Workshop.
May 14 & 19 / Alternatives Lecture Series
St. James Church, London, England, (011, from USA) 020-7287-6711, www.alternatives.org.uk
----Lecture May 14, Full-day Workshop May 19
2006 Speaking Schedule
Jan 8 / Unity Church of Golden Valley
Minneapolis, MN, 763-521-4793
----Lecture & Workshop, open to public.
Jan 9-11 / Gustavus Adolphus College
St. Peter. MN, 507-933-8000
----Student & Staff presentation.
Feb 4-11 / Omega Institute Costa Rica
800-944-1001, Workshop Information
----Retreat, open to public.
March 3-4 / Occidental College
Los Angeles, CA, 323-259-2996
----Student & Staff presentations.
March 5 / Pacific Church of Religious Science
San Diego, CA, 619-497-2200
----Lecture & Workshop (open to public).
Mar 10-11 / First Community Church
Columbus, OH, 614-488-0681, www.fcchurch.com
----Lecture & Workshop, open to public.
Mar 23-24 / United Church of Religious Science (UCORS) Conference
Vancouver, BC, 818-556-2249
----Keynote Address & Workshop.
Mar 24 / Bloomsbury Books
Ashland, OR, 541-488-0029
----Author lecture & book-signing, 7:30 pm., open to public
Mar 25 / Workshop Ashland, OR
contact Meridian Kristi at 541-488-4908
---Full-day workshop, open to public
April 2 / Center for Spiritual Living
Dallas, TX, 972-866-9988
----Lecture & Workshop, open to public.
April 7-9 / The Crossings
Austin, TX, 512-258-7243, www.thecrossingsaustin.com
----Retreat, open to public
April 21-23 / Naramata Centre
Naramata, BC, 877-996-5751 (in CAN), 250-496-5800, info@naramatacentre.net
---- Retreat, open to public.
April 26 / Inside Edge, University of California
Irvine, CA, 949-460-4242. www.insideedge.org
----Lecture, open to public.
April 29 / Interntional Coach Federation of Los Angeles (ICF-LA)
----Full-day Workshop, open to the public
April 30vUnity of Tustin
Tustin, CA, 714-730-3444, www.unitytustin.org
----Lecture & Workshop, open to public.
May 4 & 6 / International Coach Federation New England (ICF/NE)
Boston, MA, 866-874-2363, or icfne.org
----Lecture and full-day Workshop, open to public.
Sept 19-20 / Wake Forest University
Winston-Salem, NC
----Student & Staff Workshops
Oct 20-22 / Esalen Institute
Big Sur, CA, 831-667-3000
----Retreat, open to public
Oct 29 / Center for Spiritual Living
Santa Rosa, CA, 707-546-4543, www.cslsr.org
----Lecture & Workshop, open to public.
Nov 2-3 / Defiance College
Defiance, OH, 800-520-4632
----Student & Staff presentations.
Nov 5 / Unity Church of Dallas
Dallas, TX, 972-233-7106
----Lecture & Workshop, open to public
2005 Speaking Schedule
April 15 / Hudson Institute Coaching Conference
Santa Barbara, CA, 800-582-4401, terrymusch@cablespeed.com
----All-day workshop (open to the public)
April 17 / Center for Spiritual Living
Seattle, WA, 206-527-8801, www.cslseattle.org
----Lecture & Workshop (open to public).
April 19 / Imagine Conference, “For People Dedicated to Supporting Others,”
Vancouver, British Columbia, www.imagineconference.com, heartwork@telus.net
----Keynote (open to the public)
April 23 / Our Best Work (sponsor)
Seattle, WA, 425-246-6641, www.ourbestwork.com
May 13-15 / Omega at The Crossings
Austin, TX, 877-944-3003, Web link: Omega at the Crossings
----Retreat (open to public)
May 21 / School for Meanings and Values Conference
San Francisco, CA, www.school-meanings-values.org
----Keynote and Workshop (open to public)
Sept. 15-17 / Loyola University
Chicago, IL, 773-508-8018
----Student, Staff & Alumni presentations
Sept 18 / Institute of Noetic Sciences
Chicago, IL, 773-944-9099, hedile@rcn.com www.noetic.org
----Lecture, open to public
Oct. 21-23 / Creighton University
Omaha, NE, 402-280-2992
----Staff Retreat.
Oct. 24 / Creighton University
Omaha, NE, 402-280-2992
----Student lecture.
Oct. 25 / Creighton University
Omaha, NE, 402-280-2992
----Lecture (open to the public)
Oct. 28-30 / Esalen Institute
Big Sur, CA, 831-667-3000, www.esalen.org
----Retreat (open to public)
Nov 6 / Unity Center of Walnut Creek
Walnut Creek, CA, 925-937-2191
----Lecture & Workshop, open to public
Dec 4 / Religious Science
Fort Lauderdale, FL, 954-566-2868, www.rsiftl.com
----Lecture & Workshop, open to public
Dec 5 / Southeastern Association of Colleges and Employers (SACE) Conference
Miami, FL, 502-223-7223, www.sace.net
----Keynote and Workshop
2004 Speaking Schedule
Feb 26-27 / Center for Faith and Vocation
Butler University, Indianapolis, IN
----Student & Staff Seminars
March 27 / School for Meanings and Values Conference
Los Angeles, CA, www.school-meanings-values.org
----Keynote and Workshop
March 29 / Madison Area Technical College
Madison, WI
----Student and Staff seminars
April 1 / Minnesota Coaches Association, virtual interview
1:00 pm Central time, call-in # 702-851-3330, access number 3945501 (for info: mkeveles@onlinecoaching.com)
April 23 / Quebec Association for Preschool Professional Development
Montreal, CAN, www.qappd.com
April 24 / Volunteer West Island (sponsor), Public Seminar
Montreal CAN, 514-631-3720, ext 222, or info@wivolunteer.org. www.wivolunteer.org
----Seminar (open to the public)
May 22-23 / Floating Feather Day Spa
Boise, ID, 208-761-1812, or laureenq@floating-feather.com
----Public seminar (22nd), Keynote at Health and Wellness event (23rd)
Sept 25 / Jubilee Community
Asheville, NC, 828-252-5335, jubileecommunity.org
----Full-day Workshop (open to public)
Oct 8 / Providence Health System
Annual Mission Day, Corporate Headquarters, Seattle, WA
Oct 10 / Woodside Spiritual Center
Bellingham Church of Religious Science, Bellingham, WA, 360-734-4160
----Lecture & Workshop (open to public)
Oct 15-17 / Esalen Institute
Big Sur, CA, 831-667-3000 www.esalen.org
Oct 18 / Learning Annex of San Francisco
San Francisco, CA, 415-788-5500
Nov 7 / Center for Universal Truth (Church of Religious Science)
San Juan Capistrano, CA, 949-481-4040, www.centerfortruth.org
----Lecture & Workshop, open to public
Nov 10 / The Inside Edge, University of California
Irvine, CA, 949-460-4242 www.insideedge.org
----Lecture (morning)
Nov 10 / University of California
Santa Barbara, CA
----Graduate Student Lecture (afternoon)
Nov 12 / Consortium of Liberal Arts Schools and Independent Colleges (CLASIC)
Los Angeles, CA, 805-565- 6031, www.clasic.cc
----Lecture & Seminar (open to public)
Nov 13 / Westmont College & Antioch University (co-sponsors)
Santa Barbara, CA, 805-565-6031, www.westmont.edu/levoy
----Fullday Workshop, open to public
Nov 14 / Granada Hills Church of Religious Science
Granada Hills, CA, 818-363-8136
-----Lecture & Workshop
2003 Speaking Schedule
March 5 / Earlham College
Richmond, IN
March 7 / Ministers Conference, Church of Religious Science
Scottsdale, AZ
----Lecture & Workshop
March 8 / National League of Cities' Leadership Training Institute, part of the Congressional City Conference
Washington, DC, 202-626-3000
----Full-day Workshop
March 12 / North Carolina Community College System (NCCCS) Conference
Wilkesboro, NC
----Lecture & Workshop
March 18 / Genesys Health Systems
Flint, MI
----Leadership workshop
March 29 (Day) / All4U Coaches (sponsor), Callings Workshop
Columbus, OH614-487-9383, www.ignitepotential.com
----Full-day workshop, open to public
March 29 (Evening) / Gentle Wind Center for Conscious Living/Bookstore
Columbus, OH, 877-436-8531
----Lecture and Booksigning
April 18-20 / Esalen Institute
Big Sur, CA, 831-667-3000
Apr 24-26 / Annual Journey (writers) Conference (sponsored by The Writer Magazine)
Lake Tahoe, NV 505-898-0548
----Keynote & Seminar
April 27 / Spiritual Life Center
Sacramento, CA, 916-448-6508
----Lecture & Workshop
May 1-2 / Career Masters Institute Conference
Kansas City, MO, 434-386-3100
----Keynote and Workshop
May 2-3 / Ethos Inc. (sponsor)Kansas City, MO, 913-345-2949
----Public Lecture & Workshop
June 11 / Arvada City Government
Arvada, CO
----Leadership Seminar
Sept 13 / Hollywood-by-the-Bay Screenwriters Conference
Palo Alto, CA, 650-592-3527, www.hollywoodbythebay.com
----Keynote & Workshop
Sept 28 / Eno River Unitarian Universalist Church
Durham, NC, 919-489-2575
Oct 3-4 / The Chrysalis Group
Richmond, VA, www.thechrysalisgroup.com
----Lecture & Workshop
Oct 12 / Unity Center
Asheville, NC, 828-891-8700
----Lecture & Workshop
Oct 18 / Entresoul (sponsor)
Seattle, WA, 206-216-0734 www.entresoul.com
----Public Workshop
Oct 24-26 / Naramata Center
Naramata, BC, CAN, 877-996-5751 for U.S. residents, 250-496-5751, ext. 200
Nov 2 / Church of Religious Science
Oakland, CA, 510-547-1979
----Lecture & Workshop
Nov 6-7 / International Career Development Conference (ICDC)
Oakland, CA, 650-359-6911, www.careerccc.com
----Full-day Workshop
Nov 9 / Church of Religious Science
Fremont, CA, 510-656-9955
----Lecture & Workshop
Dec 11 / America's Career Resource Network Association (ACNRA), Board Meeting
Orlando, FL
2002 Speaking Schedule
Jan 18 / Santa Fe Church of Religious Science
Santa Fe, NM, 505-983-5022
----Public Lecture
Jan 19-21 / International Conference on Business and Consciousness
Santa Fe, NM, 505-474-0998, www.bizspirit.com/business
----Lecture & Workshop
Jan 24 / MIcrosoft Corporation
Seattle, WA, 425-703-0566 (Work/Life Dept.)
Jan 25 / University of Washington
Seattle, WA
----Staff seminar for academic advisors and career counselors
Jan 26 / Cyber Cafe & Bookstore
Clinton, WA (on Whidbey Island, Puget Sound), 360-341-5922
----Public Lecture
Feb 7 / Right Management Consultants/Thomas More College Lecture Series
Cincinnati, OH, 859-344-3621
Feb 10 / New Thought Unity Center
Cincinnati, OH, 513-961-2527
----Public Lecture & Workshop
Feb 15 / California Association for Counseling and Development (CACD) Conference
San Mateo, CA, 714-871-6460
----Keynote and Workshop
March 20 / Texas A&M University
College Station, TX, 979-845-4422
April 26 / Georgia Career Development Association (GCDA) Conference
Atlanta, GA
May 2 / Career Development Association of Alberta (CDAA) Conference
Edmonton, Canada, 780-488-9497
May 5 / Centre for Spiritual Awareness
Edmonton, CAN, 780-469-1909
Sept 26-27 / University of Texas
Dallas, Dallas, TX, 972-883-2215
----Staff seminar & student lecture
Sept 6 / Malaprops Bookstore
Asheville, NC, 828-254-6734
---Lecture & BookSigning
Sept 26-27 / University of Texas
Dallas, TX
----Lecture & Workshop
Oct 16 / Middle Atlantic Career Counseling Association (MACCA) Conference
Lancaster, PA, 215-968-8195
----Keynote & Workshop
Oct 18-20 / Rowe Conference Center
Rowe, MA, 413-339-4954
Oct 24-25 / Concordia College
Morehead, MN, 218-299-4267
----Lecture & Workshop
Oct 27 / Unity Church
Minneapolis, MN, 963-521-4793
----Lecture & Workshop
Nov 3 / Center for Creative Living
Asheville, NC, 828-253-2325
----Lecture & Workshop
Nov 10 / Unity Church of Mesa
Mesa, AZ, 480-892-2700
----Lecture & workshop
Nov 12 / Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ, 480-965-5124
Nov 15-16 / Smithsonian Institution
Washington DC, 202-357-3030
----Lecture & Workshop
Nov 17 / Unity Church
Gaithersburg, MD, 301-840-0207
----Lecture & Workshop
Nov 21-22 / Career Education Association Conference
Columbus, OH, 419-586-7060
Nov 24 / Unity Church
Columbus, OH, 614-267-4959
----Lecture & Workshop
2001 Speaking Schedule
Jan 26-27 / Seattle Center
Seattle, WA, 877-318-0018, 206-216-0734, gregglevoyevent@entresoul.com, www.entresoul.com
----Public Lecture & Workshop
March 9-12 / Picture Rocks Retreat Center
Tuscon, AZ, 520-529-2686
March 17 / Institute Noetic Science
Chicago, IL, 773-334-1041
---- Public Lecture
March 18 / Unity Church of the North Shore
Chicago, IL, 847-864-8977
----Public Workshop
March 23 / Hudson Institute
Santa Barbara, CA, 800-582-4401
----Advance Coaching Workshop
March 25 / Church of Religious Science
Redding, CA, 530-221-4849
----Public Lecture & Workshop
March 29 / The Manor Conference and Retreat Center
Parkersburg, WV, www.counselingandwellnesscenter.com, 304-422-7300
----Public Workshop
March 30-31 / Benedictions Center
Akron, OH, 330-745-1510
----Public Lecture & Workshop
April 17-18 / Minnesota Career Development Association Conference
St.Paul, MN, 651-232-5371, CHildebrandt@HEALTHEAST.org
----Keynote & Workshop
April 20-22 / Hope Spring
St. Helena Island, SC 803-873-6463
---- Public Workshop
May 4-6 / Naropa Institute
Boulder, CO 800-603-3117, 303-245-4800
----Public Lecture & Workshop
May 20 / Atlanta Church of Religious Science
Atlanta, GA, 404-417-0008
----Public Lecture & Workshop
June 15 / International Association of Career Management Professionals (IACMP) Conference
Tampa, FL, 202-547-6377
----Keynote & Workshop
June 17 / Unity Church of St. Petersburg
St. Petersburg, FL, 727-527-2222
----Public Lecture & Workshop
June 28-30 / National Career Development Association Conference
Tucson, AZ, 888-326-1754
----Keynote & Workshop
July 21 / Mankind Project Annual Conference
Philadelphia, PA, 888-THE-NWTA, www.mkp.org
----Keynote & Workshop
July 27-29 / Esalen InstituteBig Sur, CA, 831-667-3000
----Public Workshop
Aug 5 / Unity Palo Alto
Palo Alto, CA, 650-494-7222
----Public Lecture & Workshop
Aug 21-22 / BP Amoco
Aberdeen, Scotland
----Callings Seminar
Sept 1 / International Association of Career Management Professionals (IACMP) and Heart at Work / Nick Williams (co-sponsors)
London, England, contact iacmp@avlconsultancy.co.uk or 01483 722 234
----Full Day Workshop, open to the public
Oct 7 / First Church of Religious Science
Albuquerque, NM, 505-881-4311
----Public Lecture & Workshop
Oct 8 / New Mexico Counseling Association (NMCA) Conference
Albuquerque, NM, 505-841-8406
----Keynote & Workshop
Oct 12-14 / Leadership Training Retreat, United Methodist Church Single Adult Ministries
Mt. Sequoya Retreat Center, Fayetteville, AR, 713-402-5084
----Lecture & Workshop
Oct 19 / Right Management Consultants
Kansas City, Kansas, 913-451-1100
----Seminar open to executives and senior HR
Oct 24 / Crossroads Center
Chicago, IL, 312-831-9350, www.crossroads-center.org
----Public Lecture
Oct 25 / Loyola University
Chicago, IL, 773-508-8016
Oct 27 / Crossroads Center
Chicago, IL, 312-831-9350, www.crossroads-center.org
----Public Workshop
Oct 28 / Unity West
Milwaukee, IL, 414-464-5130
----Public Lecture & Workshop
Oct 29 / University of Wisconsin
Madison, Madison, WI
----Workshops for academic advisors and students
Nov 9-11 / Kirkridge Retreat Center
Bangor, PA, 610-588-1793
----Public Workshop
Nov 14 / New York Association of Career Management Professionals
New York City, www.nyacmp.org
----Open to career management professionals
Nov 16 / Right Management
New York City, NY
----staff-training seminar
2000 Speaking Schedule
February 4-6 / Hope Spring
St. Helena ISland, South Carolina, 843-958-9525
April 28 / Colorado Career Development Assn
Denver, CO, 303-759-1685
April 30 / First Unitarian Church
Denver, CO, 303-759-2770
----Public Lecture and Workshop
May 5-6 / Edgewalkers International Executive Forum
Denver, CO, 303-446-9364 or 303-333-1393
----Public Lecture and Workshop
May 20-June 1 / The Vertex--Spa Adventure Tours
trip to Peru and Machu Picchu, 877-478-1584 or www.spatour.net
----Featured Presenter
June 16-17 / Crossroads Center / Engaging the Soul @ Work / Know Place Like Home (co-sponsors)
Chicago, IL, 847-568-9510
----Public Lecture and Workshop
June 20 / The Executive Committee (TEC)
Chicago, IL
June 22 / The Executive Committee (TEC)
Chicago, IL
July 9-14 / Esalen Institute
Big Sur, CA, 831-667-3000
----Retreat, Co-facilitated with Robin Samuel Sierra
July 16-22 / Religious Science International Conference
Monterey, CA., 509-624-7000 ext. 207
----Keynote and Workshop
August 24 / Assn of Unity Churches, Leadership Forum
Unity Village, MO, 816-524-7414
Aug 27 / Unity Church
Unity Village, MO, 816-524-7414
----Public Lecture and Workshop
Sept 22-23 / Crossroads Center / Engaging the Soul @ Work / Know Place Like Home (co-sponsors)
Chicago, IL, 847-568-9510
----Public Lecture and Workshop
Sept 24 / Unity Church
Chicago, IL, 773-973-0007
----Public Lecture & Workshop
Oct 2 / School for Managing and Leading Change
Detroit, MI, 517-574-6767 or cdschwinn@dmci.net (Carole Schwinn)
----Public Lecture
Oct 3 / Michigan National Bank
Detroit, MI
Oct 12-13 / Northeast Earthstewards
Charlton Depot, MA., 207-284-4132
----Public Workshop
Oct 20-21 / Career Guidance Specialists
Portland OR, 503-625-7513
----Public Lecture & Workshop
Oct 27-28 / University of Guelph
Guelph, ONT., CAN., 519-824-4120 ext. 3829 Z
----Public Lecture and Workshop
Nov 3-5 / Austin Unity Church
Austin, TX, 512-447-7772
----Public Lecture and Workshop
Dec 10 / International New Thought Alliance of
Los Angeles, LA, CA 626-795-4216
----Public Lecture & Workshop
Dec 12 / The Executive Committee
Los Angeles, CA, www.tecceo.com
Dec 15-16 / Working From the Heart
Washington DC, 703-205-0044, www.wfth.org/callings.html
----Public Lecture & Workshop
Dec 20-21 / The Executive Committee
Washington DC, www.tecceo.com
Videos: at Speaking Events
Keynote Presentation at ACES Conference in Seattle
(Assn for Counselor Education & Supervision)
Presentation for Mind Science Foundation
Presentation in Santa Rosa, CA
Presentation to the Career Network Ministry
Presentation to Unity Church of Minneapolis, MN
Presentation to the Unity Church of Chicago
How to Divine Your True Calling
A Hero’s Journey
(part of a Pecha Kucha Night in Asheville NC—an evening of slideshows dedicated to “the art of concise presentations": 20 slides, 20 seconds each, tell a story). Also see the related website page entitled “The Drawing Journal/The Hero’s Journey.
A Better Mousetrap
Another Pecha Kucha presentation in Asheville, NC – June 2018
Lecture about "Power Lounging,"
the compulsion toward busyness.
Lecture about Callings
@ Unity Worldwide Annual Convention.
Interview about Callings
with author/psychologist Paul Dyer.
Part 1 |
Part 2 |
Part 3 |
Part 4
Lecture about Callings
@ The Inside Edge, University of California/Irvine
Speaker Praise
Gregg Levoy has a dynamic understanding of the link between passion and purpose as the motivating agent in creative work, and in creating engagement in the workplace. His is a wonderful contribution.
Deborah Jacroux, Microsoft Corporation, Work/Life Department
Outstanding Keynote at the ACES (counseling) Conference. Really valuable and highly relevant to our field.
Sue Pressman, President-Elect, American Counseling Association
Gregg's is an excellent workshop. As a training professional I highly recommend it as a valuable return on the investment of funds and time. And as a coach, you'll come away with amazing questions and challenges to use in your professional work.
Janemarie Newton, Human Resources Specialist, Environmental Protection Agency
Exceptional seminar!
Cheryl Taylor, Senior Programmer, Smithsonian Institution
Excellent presentation.
Mary Ellen Davis, President, California Association for Counseling and Development
Gregg absolutely made the Positive Aging Conference for me. A terrific presentation.
Harry Moody, Director of Academic Affairs, AARP
Highly engaging! Gregg's keynote was one of the highlights of our conference. His work in the field will be recognized as a major contribution to career development.
Ken Patch, Conference Chair, National Career Development Association
"Fabulous presentation!"
Charlotte Shelton, President and CEO, Unity Worldwide Ministries
"Truly a game-changer and very inspirational. A great presenter."
Linda Spencer, Director of Career Advising, Harvard University
Everyone at the conference raved about the talk Gregg gave. He's top-drawer!
Ray Davis, South Carolina State Dept. of Education
Gregg Levoy is one of the most gifted educators I’ve ever run across.
Lauralynn Larsen, Dean of Student Service, Santa Rosa Junior College, CA
I have to say I’ve never seen a speaker score this highly with our members. Gregg received 10 out of 10 on the evaluations.
Carl Dierschow, Co-Director of Education, International Coach Federation/Colorado
Gregg was the highlight of our annual conference!
Theresa Daly, President, International Association of Career Management Professionals
Gregg capitivated our annual conference audience with his passion and knowledge, and his message was right on target.
Tom Tarantelli, President, Eastern Association of Colleges and Employers
Gregg is an amazing keynoter. He's a brilliant speaker, very inspiring and dynamic, and he works both the heart and the mind.
Marcia Lavalle, Office of Professional Education, University of Utah
Across the board, Gregg received excellent reviews. I’ve never seen such a positive reaction from students at a presentation to fulfill a course requirement.
Betsy Taylor, Wake Forest University
Gregg's presentation was a wonderful, powerful addition to our conference.
Cheryl Hughes, British Columbia Community Living Conference
Gregg's keynote at our Advanced Coaching Conference was excellent. People are still talking about the value they found in it, years later.
Pam McLean, CEO, Hudson Institute of Santa Barbara
Gregg’s work is truly transformative. We received rave reviews from our participants.
Angie Arndt, Dean, Chaplaincy Institute of Maine
Gregg's keynote and workshop were extremely interesting, personally and professionally. Very rewarding.
Jan McCullough, Delaware Dept. of Labor
Gregg is a wonderful speaker. Highly skilled and intuitive, very engaging, and a magnificent storyteller.
Peg Nichols, Public Information Manager, National Alliance on Mental Illness
Gregg did a terrific Callings workshop for us. The feedback was uniformly excellent. Our staff were re-invigorated.
Harriet Greisser, Senior VP, Right Management Consultants, New York City
The Callings workshop was hands-down the most valuable and engaging one I have attended at the Learning Annex. It really helped me get perspective and remember what is truly important to me.
Kim Corbin, Program Director, Learning Annex, San Francisco
Gregg changed people's lives in 1 hour. I've seen people do that in 4 days. I've seen people do it in 6 hours. But never 1 hour. And with no BS and no ego.
Harvey Austin, author of Elders Rock: Don’t Just Get Older, Become an Elder
Callings Workshop Writeups
- Business and leadership experts talk about employee engagement.
- Coaching and career development folks talk about finding a calling.
- Educators talks about passion-based learning.
- Couples and relationship counselors talk about keeping the spark alive.
- Passion can be cultivated. Turned on as well as turned off. And this happens most readily at the level of the moment, not the five-year plan or the extreme makeover.
- Passion is in the risk. In the willingness to step from the sidelines onto the playing field.
- Passion breeds passion,and disinterest breeds disinterest. If you lack passion in your own life, your other relationships will be denied that energy---your partnerships, friendships, communities, classrooms, congregations and corporations.
- Passion equals productivity, and lack of passion sabotages it.
- Passion isn't just exuberance, endurance It's sometimes shoulder-to- the-wheel stamina and patience on the order of years.
- Passion is intimately related to health. Passion is vitality, and honoring your passions enhances your vitality.
- Passion can be cultivated. Turned on as well as turned off. And this happens most readily at the level of the gesture and the moment, not the five-year plan.
- Passion is in the risk. In the willingness to step from the sidelines onto the playing field.
- Passion breeds passion and disinterest breeds disinterest. If we lack passion in our own lives, our other relationships---our partnerships, friendships, communities, classrooms, corporations and congregations---will be denied that energy.
- Passion is more than exuberance; it's endurance. It's sometimes shoulder-to-the-wheel stamina and patience on the order of years.
- Passion is intimately related to health. To the degree that passion is vitality, honoring our passions enhances our vitality.
Callings: In Search of An Authentic Life
Callings are urgings from the deep self that tell us what it will take to make our lives literally “come true.” They point us toward awakenings, course-corrections and powerful authenticity.
In this hands-on workshop, we’ll use self-reflective writing, discussion, dyad and small-group work, and brainstorming to help people clarify what their life or work are calling-for from them at this juncture, whether in the arenas of work, relationship, lifestyle, service or spirituality.
That call could be to make a career change or creative leap, take on a new role or let go of an old one, launch a new venture or relationship, or simply make a course-correction in your life or work.
While honoring a calling’s essential mystery, we’ll also explore the questions that arise naturally in the presence of any call: What does it ask of us? How do we tell the true call from the false? How do we handle our resistance to it? What happens when we say no? What happens when we say yes?
Callings: The Call to Serve
People who are fueled by a sense of calling about service—a deep feeling of purpose and connection to something greater than themselves—will bring that kind of passion and spirit to whomever and whatever they serve. These are people who are called, not just driven, and who work from passion, not just ambition. They also understand that when they insist on their own vitality, they stake a claim for everyone’s vitality.
This presentation explores the call to serve. It's designed around a series of self-reflective questions to help participants identify this call not just in themselves but in those they counsel and steward, and helping them gain clarity and courage to take whatever Next Steps will deepen their alignment (or realignment) with the call to serve.
Vital Signs Workshop Writeups
Vital Signs: The Nature and Nurture of Passion
Passion is a concept that’s talked about a lot these days, in a lot of different arenas:
But passion is much bigger and deeper than what happens M-F 9-5, or what happens between partners.
Ultimately, passion is a life skill---a stance---that helps bring vitality to all our engagements: from work, family and school life, to creative, social and spiritual life. And it’s a survival mechanism---critical to health and well-being---because your attachment to life depends on your interest in it.
According to Gregg Levoy, author of Vital Signs: The Nature and Nurture of Passion (and author of the bestselling book Callings), the trick to cultivating passion is not just finding living passionately.
This begins with identifying where you lose passion---which routines, relationships, involvements or beliefs drain your energies and which ones revitalize them. Then making choices that take you toward rather than away from your vitality, and finding ways to offset the downward-pulling forces of everything from daily routines to life in a Code Orange world.
Some of what we'll explore in this hands-on workshop
Download PDF of the Vital Signs Workshop Writup.
Vital Signs: The Nurture of Passion As We Age
An affirmative approach to aging takes into account that new parts of us are always clamoring for airtime, that the soul and spirit don’t “retire” even if our careers do.
These parts of us could be passions we’ve set on the back burner, creative leaps we yearn to take, service projects and leadership roles in the community, a new line of work or an exploration of some non-work modes of expression, or simply rediscovering the sense of wonder and the love of learning. They ask us to continually reinvent ourselves and stay close to our deepest sense of passion. And purpose---which is simply knowing why you should be around tomorrow, and which is increasingly linked to health and well-being.
Ultimately, passion is a life skill, a stance, that helps bring vitality to all our engagements. When it’s harmonious rather than obsessive passion---when we feel called rather than driven---it not only leads to healthier and happier outcomes, but is a survival mechanism, because our attachment to life depends on our interest in it.
This dynamic presentation---designed as a combination Keynote and followup hands-on Workshop---takes a creative approach to not just getting older but growing older It’s about what inspires passion in our lives and what defeats it. How we lose it and how we get it back.
What you'll learn:
Companies That Have Worked With Gregg