Praise for Callings
Over 100,000 copies of Callings sold. Here's what people are saying.

Gregg Levoy has written about the nature of guidance with a ringing clarity. Callings is a spiritual seduction that gives form to a universal mystery. I’d recommend it to anyone who is seeking to hold the divine hand through a transition in their lives.
Caroline Myss
author of Anatomy of the Spirit

Gregg Levoy’s wonderful book is not only filled with wisdom, it is inspiring and illuminating----a book of special insight.
Neale Donald Walsch
author of Conversations With God

An absolutely superb book. I was stunned by it. It strikes right to the soul. It's like a remembrance of everything you knew but then forgot.
Jean Houston
author of The Possible Human and The Wizard of Us, and Consultant to the United Nations.

Stunning! Wonderful! Levoy writes like a poet. His material is both spiritual and practical. I don’t know another book that deals with callings in quite the same way.
Larry Dossey
author of Healing Words, Prayer is Good Medicine, and Toxic Prayer

Gregg Levoy offers a discerning eye for peering into one’s life to translate the recurring symptoms of refusing the inner voices, to gather the courage to answer what calls. He does this with good writing, humor, and a strong clarion voice.
Clarissa Pinkola Estes
author of Women Who Run With the Wolves, The Gift of Story, The Faithful Gardener

Callings can help you discover your true vocation and help you hear the still small voice that calls you by name.
Sam Keen
author of Fire in the Belly, Hymns to an Unknown God

This book smells of TRUTH.
Rachel Naomi Remen, MD
author of Kitchen Table Wisdom

Gregg Levoy is a gold standard in the field of Right Livelihood.
Audrey Seymour
Founder Visions Into Form Business Coaching

Gregg Levoy pioneered the life purpose search with his classic book Callings. — Donna Mosher
Donna Mosher
former Senior Editor, Spirituality & Health Magazine

Callings is magnificent. It's in my top-10 list of all-time favorite books, and the bookend counterpart to Marsha Sinetar's bestseller Do What You Love, the Money Will Follow. Highly, highly recommended. It might not only make your career. It might save your life.
Stephen Banick
author of The Student Roadmap to the Global Workforce

Callings is the best book I know for re-working the way we work.
Jeff Berner
contributing editor Work at Home Magazine

Callings is poetic and inspiring and a wonderful life-affirming book! I’m a big admirer.
John Drimmer
former producer at 60-Minutes, Emmy award-winner

Three books have most informed my understanding of vocation: Thomas Merton's No Man is an Island, Marsha Sinetar’s Do What You Love, the Money Will Follow, and Gregg Levoy’s book Callings.
Joel Bennett
President of Board of Directors, National Wellness Institute

What a lovely book. I like this guy’s voice a ton. It’s like having a really really smart best friend sit down with you and help you figure out what the hell to do with your life.
Jen Sincero
Author of New York Times bestseller You Are a Badass

Callings is a book to be experienced, not just read. Gregg's concepts are enlightening and dead-on.
Cheryl Taylor
Smithsonian Institution

First class!
David Prescott
Institute for Servant Leadership

Ravishing! This book is going to charge off the shelves. It’s the kind of book people call each other about to share favorite passages. A book to savor.

This inspiring book, elevated far above the category of self-help by Levoy's masterly writing, is a recommended guide for those who dare to examine their dreams and take action to explore them.
Library Journal

Beautifully written.

Sensitively written and appreciates the value of the journey as much as the end result.
Good Housekeeping Magazine

Callings is elegantly researched, beautifully written, and intelligently uplifting. It works, brilliantly.
Spirit at Work Newsletter

Solid and wise.
Utne Reader

In the crowded field of books about listening to the heart, Levoy’s guidance and encouragement are rewarding.
Publisher’s Weekly

Callings is a feast of prose, and filled with wise observations.
Intuition Magazine

An intelligent and articulate exploration.
Body Mind Spirit Magazine

Gregg's book is a touchstone for anyone seeking something more out of their work, or making a transition.
Kansas City Star
Praise from Readers
A masterpiece! The best book I’ve seen on the topic. Half my clients are reading it.
Allyson Villars, Career Counselor, Phoenix, AZ
Madeline Schwab, KPFK, Los Angeles
A powerful and useful book.
Jim Thompson, Stanford University Department of Athletics, Palo Alto, CA
This will be one of the important and noted books of our time.
Lee Glickstein, founder, Center for Transformational Speaking, San Francisco, CA
Tremendously exciting and enriching.
John Nirenberg, American Management Association
Massive and passionate. The whole notion of callings has been raised up by your effort.
Len Edgerly, Vice President & General Manager, Northern Gas Co., Casper, WY
Callings dominates the crowded field of literature about our callings in life. It's a great compendium of thought on living an authentic life.
Mark Albion, Harvard Business School, author of Making A Life, Making A Living
Callings is one of the five best and most important books I’ve ever read.
Barry Heermann, President, Expanded Learning Institute, Del Mar, CA
I love this book. Gregg's is a very important voice.
Parker Palmer, author of Let Your Life Speak
What an encouraging book!
Tamra Jenkins, Global Premier Deployment Manager, Microsoft Corporation
To know our callings is to take back our soul. This magnificent book invites us to nothing less than reclaiming soul.
Bill Kauth, co-founder, New Warrior Training
Callings is a great look at what an authentic life is all about. If you want a guide to more authenticity, spirit and meaning in your life, this is the book to take on your journey.
Kevin Cashman, CEO, LeaderSource, author of Leadership From the Inside Out
I have received more thanks in my 30-year career for recommending Callings than for any other book.
Merle Bombardieri, Author & Director of Wellspring Counseling Center, Boston
Callings may be the best book in applied Jungian psychology that I've ever read.
Charlene Pyskoty, Jungian Psychotherapist, Chicago, IL
Callings is a cerebral feast!
Linda Strasburg, Professor, Utah Career College
I’m rarely this impressed with a book. It’s a holy book. Magnificent.
Bob Keeton, WVRA, Richmond, VA
Callings is a brilliant book.
Dini Petty, Host, The Dini Petty Show, Canada
I’m awed by the depth in which you explored callings. It is a fascinating philosophical and spiritual book.
Gene Knudsen Hoffman, mediator, Santa Barbara, CA
A very important book. One of the most worthwhile on the market today. And pure poetry.
Corinne Edwards, Host, Corinne Edwards Interviews, The Wisdom Channel
Outstanding! Clear, poetic, real, and captivating. A beautifully written piece of work.
Janina Szpotko-Green, author, Los Alamos, NM
A magnificent gem of a book. Every page was rich with warmth, insight, intelligence and heart.
Melissa Honig, speech therapist, Fairfax, CA
Callings is a great book, and it's where I found my interest in directing.
Courtney Love, rock star & movie actress